Wednesday, May 10, 2006

A Little Saturn History

As I stripped naked for my nightly ritualistic shower, I was daydreaming about where I wanted 2 b in 2 years, specifically about a home based studio that I intend 2 build in my house. Granted, I don't own a house yet, but hey, this is daydreaming, right?

Anyhoo, I started 2 think of all the old old songs I've written that I would record just for nostalgia sake, never to officially release. I'd use these old songs as kind of a practice to get my feet wet in running my own studio. Then I really started going back in the recesses of my mind and pulling up songs I haven't thought about in YEARS! And I was like, "damn, this shit would have been HOT back then!" Then it struck me ... my level of creative ouput then compared to now. Granted, I've written literally hundreds of songs, but when I was around 14 I'd say I probably wrote more songs in a month than I've written this entire past year. Life shouldn't get in the way, life should B the way.

Then I went back even further and thought about the very first songs I ever wrote. And I had 2 laugh cuz it's been so long, but when I first started writing I wrote songs for a group I wanted 2 put 2gether called "Storm" - 3 boys, 2 girls. Lawd, how corny! It was the summer of 1988 ... I think I was eleven ... and I had this grand imaginary notion that I'd meet these people, form this group called Storm, record these brilliant songs I had written and immediately become child prodegies and world pop stars. OMG. This from a shy boy who didn't even like speaking 2 new people, much less singing in front of them!

It wasn't until 1990, 2 years later when I was 13, that I developed the name "Saturn" and started writing songs purely for myself. I even cut a couple of demos when I was 15, how could I have forgotten about them? I got such a bad response from them (except from my Mom of course, who couldn't believe a 13 year old wrote such nasty lyrics, LOL) that I basically gave up on the notion of ever being good enough to pursue it for real. So, I chose to pursue acting instead, but secretly I never stopped writing or dreaming ...

The title of my first finished song as Saturn was "Good Things Will Come" and I will record it one day. It seems only fitting and now more than ever I believe good things will come 4 me.

I lost all the hard copies of my old old songs, including all the Storm songs, so it's all just retained in my brain. Just 4 prosperity sake I'm gonna post the titles here so that I never forget (cuz I had to struggle to remember all this, but it's weird, it's like I unlocked the gates and it all came flooding back!)

STORM - LOVE & FEAR ( 2 sides of a cassette, I didn't know what a CD was back then)

Side A:
Love Is Such a Mystery
Passing Time
Changing of Season
Take It From My Heart
Mission Impossible
Anyway U Love Me
Romeo & Juliet
Don't Cry Aloud

Side B:
Pot of Gold
Love & Fear
Fancy Footwork
Love Is Not a Game
Goodbye, Senorita
Ancient Lovers
The Jam Train

All songs that R significant 2 me ... and songs U will NEVER hear! :-)

Why am I even posting this foolishness? It's after midnight and I'm slightly delirious!

"In a world of desire where your heart is on fire if you can learn then U shall inherit a thousand years of my life and though my pain and strife U shall see U'll find the love that U long 4." - Saturn, Good Things Will Come


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